Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Good Music

"You better believe someone is watching
and as long as you keep the good music playing,
before long,
they may just offer you the moon!"

Kristin Fontana

As a mother of four children, all in school, I decided to create a business.  The concept of this business grew very slowly as pieces fell into place.  Every morning upon awakening, I would whisper a quick prayer to God, saying "What can be done today?"  In those years, I felt God was present in each moment of every day.  

My business became a reality as I never felt as though I was in the adventure alone.  Requirements for my shop were readily met by strangers appearing with whatever I needed.  Along the way, I would say, "God, if this is what you will have me to do, these things will need to be provided."  Sure enough, needs would be timely met.  New people entered my life, continuously providing needed insight, skills, or advice moving my adventure forward.

When my shop was up and running, I indeed was successful on my own terms.  I changed my  waking conversation with God to, "What will I be called to do today?"  Each day, at least one person would appear who would be lonely, confused, or seeking.  The nature of my business allowed me to clearly be present in the moment with the visitor.  I felt as though God worked through me for each person in unique ways.  

In those years, I lived as though the days were not mine alone, but God's as well.  It was a blissful  existence, but only respite.   As a spiritual seeker, my image of God kept growing and expanding my vision, but well placed boundaries were broken by others, and needs shifted to a greater scale.  Life changed in spite of my diligence.

The years have passed bringing change, but much remains the same.  Every morning when I wake, I still whisper, "What will I need to offer today?"  I have reverently replaced the restrictive  noun "God" to the ever changing verb, Spirit.  Spirit moves in and out of my body, mind and spirit.  Spirit is my presence, not simply watching me, but actively living with me.  I do keep the good music playing, even though I often miss an entire chorus,  and the moon rises and sets with my love every day.

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