Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Standing In Our Own Space


maybe grace is figuring out it's not
all about you.
that people are doing what they're 
doing for their own reasons.
not yours.
and maybe grace is accepting that.

terri st cloud
bone sigh arts

One of the greatest personal experiences is when we learn to stand in our own space.  When we embrace our own power  and feel so fully complete, we do not readily absorb the words, actions or observations of others.  We are so in touch with our own presence, nothing pulls us off course.  We are steadfast, in a position to observe others without implicating ourselves.  We can truly listen to their story without distraction.  We can watch their body language, and understand more deeply their level of pain.  All, having nothing to do with our lovely selves,

When we are able to remove our thoughts of judgement, anticipation, or protection, we are no longer side tracked.  Our rapt attention will bring nurturing to the other without disturbing our own balance.  As we move from one moment to the next, we are extending love to the other which can be a powerful in itself.  

We are free when we stand in our own space.  There are no attachments to the past, present or future.  We simply are being present.  We don't have to formulate tricky questions or enhanced resolutions which cause us to miss half of what is being shared.  When we stand in the space of respect, honor, and love, for both ourselves and others, we realize everyone has their own agenda, and quite frequently, it has nothing to do with us.  Perhaps, this is the gift of grace.

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