Friday, June 20, 2014

Success in Increments

"To me success means effectiveness in the
world, that I am able to carry my ideas
and values into the world ~ that I am able
to change it in positive ways."
Maxine Hong Kingston
Writer and Professor
When I was knee deep into my career, I began to learn most words could be adjusted to increments.  Words such as improvement or regression and success or failure were frequently minimized or maximized.  There are many levels in between the scale of right or wrong, and each are needed in order to progress to where we need to be.
How can I be a success in the world?  Responsibility, pressure, an stress automatically grow heavy on my shoulders.  Worrying as to how to get from where I am today to a smash hit in the world is simply overwhelming.  If we break the process down, however, creating numerous levels of achievement within the route to success, we can move forward step by step.
Think of a problem that presents itself today.  When we jet stream to how the issue needs to look in the end result, we can be finished before we even start.  If we slow down and look at all of the small things we can do leading us to the larger result, we can experience a greater sense of control rather than overwhelming defeat.
Life is a process with many lessons being learned every day.  Each day helps to build a strong foundation to support where we are meant to go in our life.  If our foundation crumbles, then we had been falsely directed and need to pick our selves up, brush off the disappointment and begin again. 
Celebrate each step on whatever path you take.  Enjoy each moment doing the very best we can.  Our daily progress brings a positive element either to ourselves or someone observing.  We are impacting the world as we move along.  We are students, teachers, and mentors and these roles are important by bringing positive energy to ourselves, to others, and to the world.  Success is not just the end result, but the impact we make each day.


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