Thursday, June 19, 2014

Pointing Our Feet


"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ~
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost
As human beings with free will, many choices are presented to us.  The options may not always be the best, but decisions need to be made.  We may follow many unrelated paths or be one of many on a super highway, but which exit to take will need to be determined.  
As we gather years, we have a tendency to look back and wonder how are lives may have been different if we had taken different paths.  Maybe we wandered off and left an early love behind, or declined a job offer or did not rise to a particular occasion.  We all wonder about the paths we have chosen.
Some decisions are incidental and may not have altered life considerably while others may have created an entirely different life experience.  My physician invited me to relocate to an Indian Reservation.  She had longed for this opportunity and was putting a team together.  She of course,the doctor;  her husband, the teacher; and myself as a counselor.  My love for Native American Culture had been developing for numerous years, and I knew this was a once in a life time offering.  My daughter, however, was in her senior year at high school and my move at this time would cause her great adjustments.  And so I declined, but  I often wonder how this would have impacted my life.
We are endlessly presented with opportunities to alter our path.  It might be something small like not attending an annual gathering or by attending a reunion usually skipped.  I know of a woman who habitually drove the same way to work every day while hoping to discover a new place to live.  Feeling a nudge one morning, she turned at an unfamiliar corner and came upon what would soon be her new space. 
Guidance is always whispered in our ears, but we do not always take it seriously.  The Universe continues to offer suggestions by placing opportunities before us, dedicated to supplying scenarios for our personal growth.  I we are not looking, we will miss the sign posts.
We are not all meant to be the same, so it is vitally important for each of us to listen to our heart and determine our  passion.  Through our choices we can nurture our intentions, or not.  Dreams wither on the vine and new life is not sustained by avoidance.  We are called to listen and observe while carefully pointing our feet in the best chosen direction.


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