Sunday, June 29, 2014

Liberation to Another Realm

"The oppression of your twenties
is the liberation
of your seventies."
Panache Desai
Round and round I go, traveling the spiral of life, repeating lessons until I have either mastered them or declared them no longer a bother. It is not as though my repeated lessons are exact duplicates as they appear in different disguises, giving off completely different vibrations.  Indeed, in time, I strip away the casings and the old familiar pattern registers within causing me to either laugh or cry.
Panache Desai states we travel upwards on a spiral, and in time we have gained advantage from the view above.  After years of experience, we can look back down into the spiral and have a better appreciation for what we have accomplished.  This sounds very much like wisdom, but for me, I still have grooves in my 'bum' from repeatedly riding up and down.  Perhaps I am one of those slow learners, always choosing the more difficult path or in my desire for perfection crave a serious 'do over' on my tasks.   
And why can I  not simply fly down the spiral like being on a water slide, instead of like a salmon swimming up stream against currents?   
I no longer cling to life with clawed nails, as I once did.   Digging my heels in is no longer a jerk (no pun intended) reaction, as I have learned to move more gracefully through the ridges of my spiral.  I have no fear of arriving at some precarious tip as I know I do not travel alone and there must be a deck of some sorts to support us all.
Panache Desai mentions liberation when we reach our seventies.  One more day and I will stack yet another year on my pile leading towards seventy.  I cannot help but wonder if I will remember to look back down the spiral when I am that age or if I will even care about liberation ... unless of course it is a liberation to the another realm.

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