Saturday, May 3, 2014

Invest in Ourselves

"There is an extraordinary need in our lives for silence.  
The constant noise and chatter, internal and external, 
causes us to lose touch with the center of our being."

Sue Monk Kidd

Even when surrounded by those we love, we may find the need to excuse ourselves for a few moments of silence.  This is true when we attend a seminar or workshop, our concentration may falter after a few days of being held in continuous attention..Without exchanging words with anyone, we may withdraw into some form of privacy just to escape from the noise around us.

All of us may have a special place for silence.  It may be far away or at hand to visit often.  It may be physical space or a meditative state.  The emphasis is on experiencing silence and not the how.  When we find ourselves surrounded by business whether in activity or non-stop mental chatter, we can rest assured we are avoiding something.  We use the noise to drown out our personal thoughts or to avoid what is facing us head on.  

Whether we use the term contemplation, meditation, or prayer, we need to experience silence.  We truly benefit when we pause within our day.  This is an easy way to rejuvenate or refresh ourselves.  It is an opportunity to disconnect from meaningless distractions and refocus or reconnect with what we hold sacred.

Do not wait for a spa day, holiday or vacation.  Build a time for silence within each day.  It costs nothing, and is a great investment in ourselves.

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