Friday, April 4, 2014

Sky Still Blue

Virginia, next time you feel really hurt, really angry, or really, really upset, and you're sure that even I have been violated, shaken, and humbled, quick, check and see if the sky is any less blue, the sun any less radiant, the birds have stopped singing, or the flowers have lost their scent.

I'll wager you'll find that life has gone on much as before. Too consumed by the powers of now and the inevitabilities of love, understanding, and eternal life to have even missed a beat.

The Universe

Worrying takes us down a long deep path of darkness, using our energy for thoughts of strife.    As negative energy pounds through our nerves, other physical symptoms occur.  None of this will change the course or direction of chaos.  It simply fills us with fear leaving us feeling totally vulnerable.

The amazing thing, is when we take positive action and address what we truly have access  to, while doing our best to move forward.  When we turn our thoughts to positive intentions, and seek the potential for good, our body experiences an easier toll.  

Even when we know we cannot control what is done or what will be done, the common factor is life still moves forward.  The sun shines and the sky is blue no matter how chaotic life appears.  It is when we can embrace the now and take positive action that we will be more capable of maintaining some sense of balance.

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