Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Shake It Up!

"Don't ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."   Howard Thurman

Agendas, goals, and intentions are important to help shape our lives, but it is vitally important those very things also make us feel happy in addition to feeling secure.  If we are not following our own dreams, we reach success or maybe even failure wondering why we pursued something that left us feeling empty. 

We have a tendency to be guided by others who wish for us to succeed, and out of great respect we listen to the offered advice.  When the advice sounds alluring, but does not resonate with our personal goals, it is best to trust the inner guidance over the solicited.

We find ourselves in situations saying, "Yes.  I could do that," but is our heart really in it.  Any event we try to accomplish can be challenging and having a passion for the work builds an extra fire.  If an authentic desire is lacking, the back up system for that extra push may be absent. 

We begin each day with a a clean slate.  Sure there are things we must do, but we don't have to always do them in exactly the same way.  Shake it up a little bit!  Add some variety even if it is just traveling a different route or switching around daily routines. 

Look up at the sky and notice the clouds.  Never do we see the vary same formation.  Clouds float in the sky day after day making creative form.  We can do the same.  Oh, and the days there are no clouds floating in the sky?  They have taken a play day! 

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