Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Invisible Grid of Connection


Let your life lightly dance on the edges of
Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.”
Rabindranath Tagore
There was a story I heard many years ago which impacted me a great deal.  It was about a man who had a near death experience.  While his body was in a hospital bed experiencing a coma, he mentally was approached by a spirit who asked if he would like to view the mistakes he had made in his life.  Feeling totally overwhelmed, he declined.  The spirit then asked the man if he would like to see the good he put out into the world.  This sounded interesting to him, so he agreed.
Without going into great detail, I will summarize by saying how this gentleman was shown how he had indeed impacted the lives of others, both intentionally and unintentionally.  There were scenes he had long forgotten where he had been a young man generously helping others without thinking about his gestures.  The little acts in his youth meant little to him, but a great deal to the hearts of his elders.
Progressing to college years, he saw where he had been honest in relationships, and struggled with temptations, but eagerly available to others facing challenge.  He could now see how his slightest encouragement was enough to redirect a friend to where he needed to be.  Conversations were replayed that he only vaguely remembered, yet seemed to be life changing for others.
Visiting his long career, again he was shown instances where he had been fair to employees and encouraging to those who were challenged.  His intention to be familiar with each employee meant far more to them then he ever realized.  His gesture of donating to his favorite charity played out in great depth before him.  For the first time, he actually saw what opportunities his actions had done for so many others.
At this point the spirit began pointing out to the man how the smallest things, even to strangers, can set a positive spin in life.  Following the spirit's lead and suspended above time he discovered a grid of how we really are all connected.  He was amazed at how the smallest action like picking up a piece of paper on the street made the earth smile.  He saw how his positive force energetically joined with the positive efforts of others and although unseen, worked miracles for others.  He then simply woke up in his hospital bed, changed forever.
This story stayed with me all of these years as it reminds me of the importance of integrity.  Our actions are vitally important whether seen or unseen.  As human beings, we need to reach out to others even in the smallest unnoticed way. 
The image of a tree with growing roots comes to my mind.  We are the tree and our roots spread out into the world, reaching through Mother Earth and into unknown depths.  We do not need to know the 'why' nor the intended result.  We do not need validation for a good deed done.  We do need, however, to be much more aware that as an individual living on this earth, we impact the lives of so many others; thus, we must be loving kindness.  We must be the healthy roots of the tree, spreading out to reach others.


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