Sunday, July 14, 2013

Moving Forward

"He could hear human hearts breaking.  Tonight, he could hear soundless screams of a nameless brigade trying to find its way out of a concrete jungle of unrealized dreams."

Sidney Poitier

When in high school, I viewed the movie, LILIES OF THE FIELD, and I experienced  great admiration for Sidney Poitier.  Somewhere in there was another movie entitled, A PATCH OF BLUE, followed by TO SIR, WITH LOVE; IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT;  and GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER.  Sidney Poitier is a well established actor,  film director, author and diplomat.  He is a spiritual man I greatly admire.

I have just read Mr. Poitier's novel, MONTARO CAINE.  The story itself was not what held my attention, but rather the depth of meaning behind the story.  The characters from the beginning moved with a momentum leading to qualities that today's world needs to adhere to.  The quality of his writing had a simple richness to it with the his ability to utilize well chosen words.   

In this time in our world, right now, we are all being called to goodness, to stand up for what is right for all peoples.  We are being nudged to realize we are temporary visitors of our planet and we are being unacceptable guests.  We are individually being called to know our heart, to share in the care of the earth, and to speak our truths.  When we trust and embrace kindness, the Universe provides.

If we truly listen to the nightmares, the doubts, the shaming and guilt residing within, we can experience self-forgiveness and personal healing.  When we throw off the misguided choices of our past, there is new room cleanly created to rekindle our passion and discover new beginnings of hope.

Words of surrender and submission  go against my grain, but I feel ascended by the thought of embracing Divine Spirit surrounding me in all things.  I have faith to step through the fear of darkness and onto the path of light where we can all move forward together.

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