Saturday, July 13, 2013

Feeding Each Other

"It's how we grow and heal, again and again, by holding and being held.
In my own life, I have been held and dropped, have hurt and soothed others,
enough to accept, at last, that the reasons of the heart are leaves in wind.
Stand up tall and everything will nest in you."

Mark Nepo

We unknowingly bring balance to each other while interact with each other.  On days we are not feeling necessarily kind, someone will display kindness towards us, lifting our personal attitude to a higher level.  We may be in a bad mood but upon running into friends and having heartfelt conversation, we easily forget our troubles and become elevated to a higher place in our thinking.  It happens all of the time.  Seldom are we down in the dumps at the same time our partner or best friend might be.  We take turns holding and being held.  This is why we have arms, to give and to receive. 

There is an old story about a man who had just witnessed a near death experience.  He said his guide asked him if he wanted to see what hell was like, and he agreed.  Together they walked into a great room and the moaning was so atrocious the visitor cupped his hands over his ears to block out the horror of the sound.   He looked around the room which was lined with tables filled with fruits, vegetables, flavorful drinks, and anything and everything the heart could possibly desire.  He forced himself to look at the groaning people, who were emaciated in spite of all of the food.  The visiting man realized the arms of these people were extremely long and stiff, and there was no way they could bend them to feed themselves.  They were definitely in the pain of hell.

His guide next asked if he would like to view heaven, and, yes, of course he would.  Together they stepped into a room filled with people laughing and hugging.  He noticed the room was lined with food exactly like hell's.  The arms of these people in heaven were built exactly like those in hell, having long and unbend able arms.  It did not take him long to realize the difference.  Those enjoying heaven were not able to feed themselves either, but they had learned to joyfully feed each other.

Let us strive to make a nest of our heart, where others are welcomed and are nurtured in their time of need.  We can stand tall as the trees letting others gently float like leaves to receive what we have to share.  And when the wind blows and our branches lean, we too will find a nest where we will be welcomed and fed. 

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