Sunday, March 31, 2013

Life Form Again

“If you live in the dark a long time and the sun comes out, you do not cross into it whistling. There's an initial uprush of relief at first, then-for me, anyway- a profound dislocation. My old assumptions about how the world works are buried, yet my new ones aren't yet operational. There's been a death of sorts, but without a few days in hell, no resurrection is possible.”

Mary Karr
Lit: A Memoir

Jesus proclaimed we could do anything He did and some things we could do better.  It is my personal belief that Jesus the Christ died and rose from the dead, creating a symbol or cycle all humans experience.  I believe we  shed old parts of our self (dying), struggle for rebalance (hell), and then stretch into a more defined sense of self (rebirth).  I must admit it often seems as though hell appears before death more so than prior to the rebalance.

Challenge comes to us and having free will, we have the option to master the opportunity.  In order to do so, we at times need to detach from ego or material attachments creating fear of the future.  It can be hell not knowing what will be remaining once we have given up so much.  Our resistance and denial can also add a few flames to the fire.  The death of the old can be painful, but it also can bring relief.

The period after the death of old patterns can be uncomfortable as we are released of dragging old baggage around.  There may be a sense of freedom, but it can be followed by a loss of connection.  We know what we do not want any more, but we do not know what to welcome in or what will be brought to us next.  There can be great discomfort in this suspension. 

Eventually, the void created by the death of the old, begins to balance with a new definition of the self.  We begin to gather in a greater sense of compassion and acceptance building a new strong foundation.  Our creative expression may exceed, our original gifts may flourish, and our authentic self grows stronger.  Clarity forms with deeper understanding, our hearts and minds become more expansive, and our spiritual connection strengthens.

Easter and/or Spring  is the very reminder of new birth or rebirth.  It is inspiring to watch seeds develop and sprouts struggle up through the earth.  Displayed on healthy stems, flowers display the vibrant colors of life.  And so  Spirit and Divine Energy takes life form again.


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