Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kiss of Christ

When, within our souls and psyches
we are made aware of a safe but insistent drum beat,
repeated like butterfly wings in motion,
we sense the message…
that our inner self has begun its search for freedom.

Mary Meeker

The butterfly is a symbol of rebirth and freedom, and we sometimes forget the struggle it went through as a caterpillar prior to its flight.  There always seems to be a struggle that when endured, beauty is revealed.  According to Richard Bach, "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."

Standing in front of the church I had once attended with three little kids in tow, I was sharing a quick moment with an 80 year old woman who I viewed as a wise woman or sage.   Out of no where came a butterfly gracefully dancing around us and settling on my face.  My elderly friend immediately responded, "You have been kissed by Christ!"  Surely I had heard Christ referenced to butterflies before, but this was the very first time I felt deep meaning existing within this beautiful creature called a butterfly. 

From that day forward, I have truly loved all butterflies in all of their varying shapes and colors.  I sense their joy in newly found freedom, and admire the grace of their gentle flight.  So gentleness and freedom come first to my mind until this beautiful creature lands on me.  It is then I humbly embrace the "kiss of Christ" and the  reality of rebirth transforms me.

1 comment:

  1. I will think of this story each time I see a butterfly!
