Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hidden Truth

"Three things cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

Our hearts might warm as we think of others, such as forever friends or grandchildren. We probably see the whole human, flaws and all.  Deliberately, we minimize faults and  choose to embrace only the good qualities. Why then do we use critical judgment in viewing our own persona and impact in the world?

Assessment is based upon physical presence, mental concepts, and spiritual expectations. There seems to be a wide gap between how we project ourselves outwardly and view the self inwardly. We can embellish images when presenting to others, but negatively  disguise the glaring truths within our reality.

Rather than resisting change, become curious and open as to why we hide, and struggle to ignore the obvious. Not examining what is happening or the countless consequences,  can paralyze our growth rather than becoming a spring board for personal progress. Hiding our fears weaken while exploration strengthens.

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