Friday, September 27, 2024

Prohibiting Peace

"Peace is the absence of confusion."
Wu Tang

When we sort through confusion, new understanding generates an element of clarity. As we sift through uncertainty, revealing elements of direction surface. Hesitation allows time to select what is appropriate while moving forward. Learning to choose rather than react is key to  best case scenarios. 

Indecision allows time to evaluate, but when lingering too long, emotions dictate our actions rather than fairly assessing pros and cons. Fear restricts our progress forward and becoming stuck delays any sense of clarity. Confusion is minimized when we choose to center ourselves on a regular basis. 

Aligning the body, mind and spirit, we are in a position to effectively move through any sense of confusion. We are more likely to look at the facts, determine the best approach, and follow up with action. Even if minimal, taking action escalates us through uncertainty where we begin to view possible peace. 


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Instant Gratification

"Start by doing what's necessary. Then do what's 
possible. And suddenly you are doing the impossible."
Francis of Assisi
We live in a time of instant gratification. Whether it is quickly paying a bill on line, using a speedy drive up window or asking SIRI for an overabundance of information, we live in the fast lane. Minor efforts might be used to counter balance the fast pace, but quick fixes are hardly enough.

Whether it is a sudden insight or a long held dream, action must be taken in order to bring it into reality. Unfortunately, we expect perfection upon entering the new endeavor without savoring the process. Creating something may require a peaceful journey not an impulsive shortcut. The deeper we invest, the richer the reward.

If we take our time processing multiple layers of experience, we will build a firm foundation. This will withstand time and support our efforts when we are struggling to master a technique. There is an ebb and flow while expanding our abilities, but when we are consistently dedicated, versions of success come true.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Blurring Time

"The distinction between the past, present and future
is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein 

Viewing time as an illusion, being in the present is the optimal place to be. If there is no control over the past or future, all else is a waste of our energy. It is important to recognize the string running between our experiences not only in this life, but in past lives as well. Then of course there is the theory of parallel lives to be considered. 

We are made up of energy, so there is great flexibility with boundaries. From a spiritual view, timelessness helps us to understand the presence of spiritual guides or sensations from those who have left human form. It is through an energetic imprint that we can recognize others not in human form.

As the energetic field is recognized, it pulsates with universal laws and cosmic connections. We become aware that we are a part of a greater existence that offers liberal creative interpretation. We encounter other energetic souls stepping outside of oppressive limitations and begin to co-create with the Divine. Life dramatically changes.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Variety of Hues

"When people have awakenings and start to wake up
to the wider world, they also begin to notice that 
things in their earthly life change."
Lee Harris

When we are accelerating through life, rather than strolling along our path, we fly by signs of Divine presence. We ask for things expecting a particular outcome, so we miss what is deliberately sent our way. We weigh our spirits down by overthinking and overextending. It is necessary to learn ways of navigating between the physical and spiritual.

It is not enough to learn diverse concepts, we must incorporate them into our life. This is why life is called a tapestry. We weave new perceptions continuously shifting patterns. When we use the same color repeatedly, we feel blah, whereas, using a variety of hues, life becomes exciting. 

Emotional attachments trap us, leaving our personal world lack luster. When we allow exposure to diverse beliefs, and blend the spiritual with our present, life takes on deeper meaning. Exploration replaces struggle, allowing us to move forward without the heaviness of relationships and situations that no longer feed our soul.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Vibe Exchange

"When you are enthusiastic about what you do,
you feel this positive energy. It's very simple."
Paulo Coelho

As an energy worker, I am highly sensitive to the energy of others and that of my surroundings. Sometimes I feel it slamming into me or drawing me into a particular awareness. This could be draining, except I remember that I am simply a vessel to embrace and release these vibrations.  

I truly believe that when I start something, the Universe responds either by opening doors or redirecting me. When I feel off-kilter, I immediately try to recalibrate my energy. I do this by feeling the light of life pouring into and through me. If I have over extended myself, I never hesitate to reach out to others to send me light.

The sun is light energy vibrating down on plants, animals, and human forms. The same is true of the moon as it also extends energy towards our earth. It is through these energetic exchanges that we can feel connected. Energy dissipates loneliness and recharges our passion to fulfill our life purpose.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hidden Truth

"Three things cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

Our hearts might warm as we think of others, such as forever friends or grandchildren. We probably see the whole human, flaws and all.  Deliberately, we minimize faults and  choose to embrace only the good qualities. Why then do we use critical judgment in viewing our own persona and impact in the world?

Assessment is based upon physical presence, mental concepts, and spiritual expectations. There seems to be a wide gap between how we project ourselves outwardly and view the self inwardly. We can embellish images when presenting to others, but negatively  disguise the glaring truths within our reality.

Rather than resisting change, become curious and open as to why we hide, and struggle to ignore the obvious. Not examining what is happening or the countless consequences,  can paralyze our growth rather than becoming a spring board for personal progress. Hiding our fears weaken while exploration strengthens.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Which Will It Be?

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

During these transformative times, we have choice.  Do we sit back and allow life to happen to us or channel energy into positive progression? So, which will it be? If we do not like what is before us, allow curiosity to guide us on our way. Take advantage of synchronistic opportunities trying to attract our attention.

Life is a learning experience and if we think of people around us as individual library books, we have a wealth of information at our finger tips. It is not as though we need to believe everything we uncover, but to be exposed to differing opinions. If we don't like the way things are get informed, participate, and chart a new course. 

We may not be able to change the world, but we are perfectly capable of changing our experience within it. We cannot sit back and wait for those with greater position or power to alter the nation's course. Granted, there may be very little we can do on a larger scale. but our impact on neighbors, and communities, makes a difference when we use our passion.


Friday, September 20, 2024

Look Both Ways

"I have seen life from the top down and the bottom up.
I know how it looks both ways. And I know there
is wisdom and that there is hope."
L. Ron Hubbard

I had direct interaction with numerous religions prior to expanding my spiritual curiosity. Blessings timely arrived in the form of teachers, mentors, and guides who escorted me into believing in the possibility of connecting with the Divine. Erasing stereotypical images, and restrictive teachings, I was able to open to silent communication.

Through challenging life experiences, my heart continuously was cracked open until I relented to formulating a spiritual way. Spiritual practice did not erase problems, but it did open communication with mentors, guides, and the Divine. I did trip and fall, but moving forward became less lonely with room for wisdom.

Godsends repeatedly entered all realms of my being. Spiritual occurrences were heightened by Reiki training. My senses opened to new ways of living life if I just broadened my vision. I do not always understand, but I can maintain hope for all peoples who struggle in human form. After all, we are here for the lesson and we become the reward.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


"Embracing vulnerability allows us to connect deeply with others."
Deepak Chopra

When we open our lovely selves to others without fearing judgment or ridicule,  we are moved out of our comfort zone. We must allow this feeling of naked exposure, trusting that we will be accepted just as we are. Without a disguise, we are no longer defined by labels, and run the risk of truly being seen.

To receive a true sense of connection, we must tell our stories and listen to the personal accounts being shared. We discover how our paths cross each other and come to understand diverse reactions and to where they lead. Authenticity allows deeper relationships creating a transformative journey.

As we allow the self to open, change and discovery occur. We unpack previously learned behavior and come to understand life using a new language and uncharted feedback. Vulnerability requires strength, but leads us to endless compassion for the self and for others. The braids of connection hold us in unity and love.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Opening To Divine Communication

"To walk safely through the maze of human life,
one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue."

Elements of devotion can be attached to numerous practices whether involving gods, goddesses, or wisdom figures. A connection with a mystic or spiritual guide is usually in pursuit of a closer union with the Divine. A developed devotion offers love, respect, kindness, service and a peaceful heart.

Opening to Divine Intervention on a personal level, we not only include ourselves, but also loved ones, enemies and all beings. We are called to forgive ourselves as well as others. We are challenged to see God in all peoples and treat them accordingly. We are challenged to open hearts to be seen and to see others.

We seek wisdom and guidance strengthening our spirit with the Divine. Whether using a rosary, mezuzah, or prayer, we request the blessing for the highest good of all peoples. Adding music to a practice, hearts open and frequently inspire a personal chant. In this way, we create a spiritual connection with all peoples, places and things. Namaste ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Scan of the Full Moon

"Be the moon and inspire people, 
even when you're far from full."
K. Tolnoe

The energy of the full moon can be quite chaotic. It shakes things up that are undone and far from aligned. It is so bright that we cannot help but see all that is not working. It can beam confidence encouraging us to get up and get going! Perhaps it is shining on different ways of thinking and doing to assist the self and others.

The moon is very symbolic. Even though we see a huge ball of light in the sky, it has a dark side, just like us.  The moon can be fascinating and assist us in finding our way ... physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As in all things, we must take the time to look up and feel the pulsing of the energetic exchange. 

We can choose to embrace the lunar connection by remembering all peoples are looking up to the moon ... varying ages, diverse locations, and our brothers and sisters. We can experience the gift it offers ... soothing and tranquil. It offers us the chance to scan our surroundings in its light feeling a sense of  peace.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Loops and Spirals

"The whole Universe is based on rhythms.
Everything happens in circles, in spirals."
John Hartford

Life can consist of numerous positive and negative loops, allowing us to consistently repeat behaviors. If we experience an overwhelming situation, the anxious feelings can be repeated  in other arenas, creating a destructive pattern. Round and round we go, like the mouse running on a wheel inside of his cage.

The spiral is also a circle, but it is a coil setting us free. When followed inward, we discover a path leading us to deeper understanding about life and personal growth. Maintaining a curious mind, we connect the dots leading to parallel streams. Even when things are heart breaking, we travel deeper inside, gathering pieces of needed understanding.

Traveling within a spiral, we discover deeper levels of intuition that propel us through gradual or sudden change. Sure footed, we move beyond preconceived ideas. Healing rather than repeating, we gather momentum, Vibrational energy pulls the spiral outwards where we utilize our knowledge learned from within.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Haunting ...

"It's the fear of the past repeating itself that haunts you."

Perhaps it is a belief in after life that reduces my fear of death. Accepting I have no control of my time on earth, worrying about the future is minimized. Maintaining a sense of power, I have choice as to how I perceive the unfolding of the present. Then there is my painful past that looms large, tainting all that I say. 

Life delegates rich opportunities and my heart soars. Then my ego kicks in, whispering to my inner child, recalling times when hope turned to sadness. In my head, I know this is a wound that needs to be healed, and yet I am so vulnerable. Fear is a thief, stealing joy from divinely offered situations. 

Outcome depends upon the strength of my inner core. It works best if I send my ego to go sit in a chair and hug my inner little girl with assurance of adventure. Requesting guidance from Spirit and trusted guides, I move forward open to the lesson needing to be learned. It may be difficult or disappointing, but I will not be stopped by fear.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Without Damage Or Harm

"Be who you are and say what you feel because 
those who mind do not matter and those 
who matter don't mind."
Dr. Seuss 

When pulled out of our comfort zone, we do better if we have a place to express our fears, concerns, and expectations. Whether anger or grief presents, retaining it impacts our health physically, emotionally and spiritually. Writing is free, private and disposable. We do not have to be creative or perfect in any way. It is a readily available outlet.

Without censorship, our inner thoughts flow. We can let it all out as no one is listening or viewing the written word. If we are embarrassed by what we write, it can be immediately discarded or burned. When our writing is saved, however, it becomes a learning tool as we look back and become aware of the progress we have made.

There is no need for perfect punctuation or precise grammar. Let all feelings spill out remembering that phrases or snippets of pain can be splayed across the page. Some are not good with words, but enjoy doodling or sketching as worries pop up in the mind. Writing is the perfect way to give voice without damage or harm.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Ask and Receive ...

"Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it."
Maya Angelou

Right now, in this very moment, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Keep breathing deeply until you feel a sense of peace between your body, mind, and spirit. Bring to mind a lovely thought and creatively insert your lovely self within the space. Imagine all of the senses awakening and inserting life into this dream like vision.

In this imagined space of peace, feel connected with the outer world, spiritual world, and inner awareness. Fully embrace this sense of calm, experiencing tranquility. Releasing all boundaries, imagine what steps are needed to bring this vision into reality. Discern how to begin and what actions are needed.

No longer wait for a knight in shining armor, as you have a warrior spirit to move through boundaries that keep you from being free from thoughts of self-doubt or unworthiness. Remember who you truly are and utilize your gifts without comparison or self-sabotage. You get to be you only if you choose, so choose now and choose wisely.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

At Day's End ...

"I might not know who I was yesterday or who I'm going to be tomorrow,
but I know who I am right now."
Sabrina Carpenter

Even though the sunset was so amazingly beautiful, I experienced a sadness tugging at my heart. My thoughts were heavily focused on the sinking sun, when they could have been  happily speculating about it's rising debut tomorrow. I realized the truth of this could be aptly applied to my perceptions about personal days as well.

At days end, the weight of things left undone can weigh me down, but if I choose to shift my thinking, excitement will fill new expectations! Effort placed into creating new patterns of thinking and fresh outlets for joy, result in producing higher levels of energy. With more energy, projects, goals and levels of happiness are easily attained.

Dismantling limiting beliefs, there is new found freedom in discovering who I truly want to be.. How exactly do I want to experience my world no matter what limitations face me?  My past no longer matters and who knows how much future remains. All the more reason to begin right now, not waiting for one more moment!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Loud Mouth?

"Communication leads to community, that is, to
understanding, intimacy, and mutual valuing."
Rollo May

There is a time to use our voice and to speak our truth in order to be seen and heard. Without communication, the distance between us grows distinctively broader and less accurate. To make a point, we do not have to raise our voice.The louder we are, the less we are heard. No one wants to listen to a loud mouth.

Communication is not limited to our verbal exchanges. Our friendly eye contact with  others and our helpful gestures often times speak louder than words. The more visible we are to others, the greater chance of creating community. Simple recognition between strangers enhances our daily experiences.

So our body language and the tones of our voice accompany what we are wanting to share with others. When we speak with love layered upon our tongues, less harm is done. Allowing ourselves to be known and learning about others decreases the division. It is not about agreeing, but about respecting each other's space.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Reflecting The Universe

"When we look into our own hearts and begin
to discover what is confused and what is brilliant, 
it isn't just ourselves that we're discovering.
We're discovering the universe."
Pema Chodron

When life challenges us, we turn to outlets whether they are healthy or not. We tend to reach outside of the self for distraction rather than looking at what is triggering the sense of  disharmony. As our internal turmoil is viewed, the sensation of discord takes on a negative discoloration. Automatically, we want to bury it.

When perspective shifts from judgment to discovery, we begin to see parallels with the Universe. Lack of climate control ravages the earth, but the beauty of our world is never over shadowed. This aught to be true for ourselves. We may make poor decisions, but that does not make us a total failure.

Start on a personal journey exploring good qualities and enhanced life skills. Begin to perceive new ways to utilize them and take action. This does not mean we ignore pressing matters, but rather balancing them with activities that feed the soul. It is time to start recalling what we like about ourselves and brilliantly shine.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Bridge The Gap

"Sometimes I think I live in a gap between two worlds, one world
that I have to wake up to, to be adherent of the rules dictated by others.
The other world is sweet, fresh, and misting inviting adventure into 
the unknown, melding ancient wisdom with new discovery."
Ritta Klint

There came a time when I began to seek a bridge between my professional life and my personal existence. My private space was filled with spirituality that was not yet supported by the general public. With courage, I began to blend the two worlds together presenting in a manner in which I felt authentic and at peace.

With the ability to appear as my whole self, the division between politics, religions, and social groups grew to be even more apparent. I watched others slipping on a false mask only to be replaced by one more. I could only imagine the inner stress of never being able to simply be real. I was willing to run the risk.

We are responsible for selecting diverse people, various cultures, and intimate spirituality into our lives to enhance our experiences. If our true nature is hidden, we mislead others creating separation and facilitate the division between two worlds. Our beautiful energy will be scrambled by uncertainty, rather than magically reaching for the moon.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Between Me and My Tree

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
John Muir 

Walking in the midst of trees, I slow down. My mind untangles and in the quietude, I begin to hear songs from birds, water rippling in a far away stream, and leaves dancing in the breeze. This somehow makes my heart swell, as I am transported back in time when energy flowed between me and my tree.

Early in childhood, living in a busy city, I found a singular tree that awaited me, standing tall and welcoming. Squeezing between buildings, I would promptly sit in front of my tree with my back feeling the bark digging into me. No language was spoken, but I certainly understood the communication between me and my tree.
Leaning in, I connected with the layers of the tree offering freedom to me.  The calm this union formed allowed my imagination to catapult into other realms. Perhaps these childhood experiences were introductions to the awareness of energy and vibrations I have grown to love. Yes, this was my safe space between me and my tree.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Strengthening Moral Compass

"I have learned that as long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values,
and follow my own moral compass, then the only expectations
I need to live up to are my own."
Michelle Obama

Morals may change as we face new experiences in life or obtain broader awareness of others plights. Our set beliefs may expand as we step outside of our educated or emotional thought patterns while witnessing reality in our world. Human behavior cannot always be predicted, and either strengthen or weaken our belief system.

A moral compass monitors our sense of right and wrong and differs from one person to one other. It assists us when we are faced with challenging decision making. It nudges us from within when we are faced with judgments that may stand against our moral code. Our inner guide can be challenged by politics, religions and social codes.

Moral codes begin to take definition in childhood whether through punishment, reward, acceptance, or developing belief systems. We begin to notice injustice outside of ourselves, which increases our sense of values. Our personal moral code impacts how we engage with our lovely selves, others, and society. It is imperative to know where we stand.


Friday, September 6, 2024

Crevices ...

"A secret freedom opens through a crevice you can barely see."

When we fall short of our goal or neglect to stay the course, it is easy to criticize and shame ourselves. How different our experience would be if we reacted with kindness and loving tolerance for human error. If we would respond with understanding and patience just like we would for a friend, our ability to advance would heighten.

The ability to accept our flaws allows us higher energy to explore even our darkest cracks hiding the past or what we are avoiding in the present. It is within these crevices that we reclaim our power and bring light to what needs to be healed. Embracing our limitations, oddly offers us a true sense of freedom.

Entering into closed off spaces, we begin to understand our automatic reactions to people, places and things. Everything that we have repressed taints our view of the present and limits our sense of ability. Bringing fresh air into what has been closed off reduces fear and welcomes fresh insight leading to authentic living.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Not Giving Up!

"It takes a dream to get started, desire to keep going,
and determination to finish.'
Eddie Harris, Jr

Never give up on a dream no matter how much time passes. With a positive mindset, recall in detail how this vision first surfaced. Sit with it recalling intention and desires. Begin to feel the excitement with speculation as to how to restore this vision. Maybe circumstances have changed and going back is impossible, but what if positive movement was restored?

With patience and determination, anything is possible. Perhaps some elements need to be released, but surely there is no need to let go entirely. It takes courage and perseverance to creatively restore that which was once lifting our hopes and desires. Replace doubt and resistance with embellished versions of this dream needing to come true.

Step out of fear and into a comfort zone. Allow creativity to revitalize what was once hoped to bring vibrancy to life. Challenges will be inevitable, but face them with excitement and adventurous imaginings. Even when there is setback, get up and try again. Emergence of hope an joy will be the fuel for the excursion. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Evolving Lightly


"It's dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly
child, lightly. even when you are feeling things deeply. 
Lightly let things happen and lightly cope.
Learn to do everything lightly. 
Let things happen."
Aldous Huxley 

Growing up in Chicago, I can remember sitting by Lake Michigan watching boats go by. Their movement calmed me and my mind could rest. At the time, I felt so much of my existence was used to process my day dreaming. Continuously caught aloft in thought, I was told I was wasting my time. Little did they know the depth of my thoughts.

To this day, I still process challenges in heightened visualization. Highly creative images surface and deeper wisdom emerges. Perspectives stretch and grow during these quiet and mesmerizing states. There is a calming and gentle flow now that allows me to view life without trying so hard.

It becomes clear to me, that my inner child becomes hyped up and races as fast as she can away from emotional confrontations. I can counter balance, thankfully, by allowing the presence of my higher self to gently settle in and restore peace. Lightly, I have learned to evolve lightly.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


"Hold my hand forever, and never let it go."

Holding hands can be a silent acceptance that stabilizes fear of the unknown. It offers a connection to safely move forward without ownership or possession. It can be a part of a love language between mother and child, husband and wife or simple soul sister recognition. It is a symbol of unlimited friendship and love.

Grasping one other's hand, we can curb our sense of facing the world alone. The union offers a sense of belonging and connectedness which all of us needs. It is an action suggesting forward movement. It portrays inclusion and triggers memories of joy while strengthening a sense of trust.

Personally, I find holding hands as act of intimacy. Especially now, being blessed by a romantic relationship, entwining fingers sends the message of acceptance, appreciation, and respect. Being highly sensitive, handholding offers me an exchange of energy suggesting that he and I will be forever more. 



Monday, September 2, 2024

Birthing Labors of Love

"There is no better life than a life spent laboring at love ...
exerting effort not because we have to, but because we
believe that what we are bringing into being is valuable."
Moira Weigel

Labor is hard work, followed by the rewards of birthing something valuable. There is attachment and connection as well as responsibility and accountability. Questions of being too little or too much hover throughout the process. In the midst of gestation we may wonder what we are doing.

Laboring demands a balancing act as we do not want to be overbearing nor do we want to be lack luster. We are also plagued by wondering if there will be flaws or malfunctions. Thoughts may also wander towards the amount we have invested and if there will be sufficient outcome.

They say 'anything worth doing is worth doing right' so we throw our body, mind and soul into our labor. Our body does the heavy lifting, our mind plots and plans, and our spirit pleads with Divinity for successful outcome. When it is all done in love, every birthing pain has been worth it! 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Thank You For Being You

"Thank you for being you."

Within my tribe, there are loving souls who selflessly lift my spirit. There is one who makes me laugh so hard, tears come to my eyes. Another has such compassion for all peoples, I want to try harder, too. Then one other pierces me with eyes of deep understanding. There are others and together, we form a bond that is irreplaceable.

When we gather, it is simply amazing how we each project differing opinions. It is through these diverse conversations that we stretch and grow. Judgment and criticism are absent, and inquiring minds are free to question and explore. It is perfectly acceptable to respond, "This, I truly do not know."

Individuals in my tribe are in different sections of land, but we all place our feet upon this sacred earth. We know we have been together before ... a different time and space. Our bond is not where we live or what clothes we wear. We are tied together by our heart strings. And to each one I say, "Thank you for being you!"