Sunday, June 2, 2024

Placebo Effect And Mind Over Matter

"Your mind can be a powerful healing tool when given the chance. Now 
science has found that under the right circumstances, a placebo can be 
just as effective as effective as traditional treatments."
Harvard Health Publishing

The placebo effect is the beneficial influence of a treatment that has no medical value. The placebo effect for pain medications has been linked to brain chemistry. When the body experiences pain, it releases endorphins. If we think we are taking a drug, even if it is a sugar pill, our body will release endorphins. 

So enter the phrase, 'mind over matter'. Does our body follow our expectations?  When we make undocumented statements, our body does not know if it is a truth or projection, so it simply follows through. The stronger the connection between the brain and body, the greater the possibility of stronger outcome.

Studies reflect how psychological affects physical conditions. If we can harness the power of our mind, we can impact our health and our healing time. Spiritual practices support this connection and positive process. Meditation alone can distract our physical body while our minds visit peaceful elements. Science is now supporting these concepts. 

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