Thursday, May 9, 2024

Keep It Simple

"If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small
things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly
become the great and immeasurable."
Rainer Maria Rilke

Ask any mother about the first dandelion her child chose for her and just watch her beam. The memories of joy come rushing back and the heart grows full. Ask any father to recall the first time he heard his child say 'dada' and observe how his face changes from stern to pride. Simplicity at its best.

The gift of friendship can be quite simple as well. It doesn't matter in the long run if it is wrapped in satin or vibrant tie-dyed muslin, as it is the simple bond itself that makes the difference. In time, we may no longer see our best friend's scar across the brow or the limp in their step because we simply embrace their essence.

Many things in life are complicated. The excess baggage weighs lofty ideas down. We get lost in the planning, the preparation, and the external wrappings. Too often, we miss the original point entirely. Minimize drama and enjoy the simplicity of just being. Watch experiences shift when we choose the mantra, 'Keep it simple!"

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