Monday, May 13, 2024

Darkness Between Parts

"I would have loved to know how it felt, just once, to have
something fall apart and see options instead of endings."
Sarah Dessen

Holidays, such as Mother's Day, can cause cracks in our security. The newly created spaces between our parts can be filled with darkness. No matter how healed one is, wounds can still cause pain. As we begin to experience the shift into discord, fear of what will be forthcoming causes additional separation.

Be honest about unsettling feelings. Either express them out loud or silently journal. Let emotions surface completely rather than choosing to suppress them, as they won't just go away. Stand back and survey what might be triggering unhealthy reactions. Where are they coming from and what action can you take to dissolve them?

Try to remember all of the hills and valleys successfully mastered against all odds. Count strengths cultivated throughout the years. View available options and begin to create a plan to set them in motion. Coin a mantra such as, "I can and I will!" Continue to take steps forward out of darkness until you are running and prepared to fly!


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