Thursday, May 30, 2024

Crow or Dove?

"Love yourself with the same amount of energy and passion
you love everyone else. Stop neglecting the 
one person you should love the most."

During my daily walk, I am in the presence of the birds. When I look up to the sky I catch glimpses of birds in flight stretching their wings. Other birds perched on branches, hiding in trees, joyfully sharing their songs. The ground feeders look up as I pass, and I feel quite certain that they truly do see me.

This scenario is replicated in life. We catch glimpses of people soaring in relationships or careers. They encourage us to stretch our wings. Mentors and friends share their words of wisdom, perhaps not in song, but just as sincerely. Then there are the strangers who offer us a sincere smile as we innocently pass by.

If we keep our personal evaluations simple, we are able to appreciate what we have to offer and how we want to deliver our insights, joy, and kindness. When we acknowledge our own strength and stop ruffling feathers, we touch the hearts of others. Choose to stop being a nagging crow, and aim for the calm like a Mourning Dove.  


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