Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Core of Simplicity

"See simplicity in the complicated.
Achieve greatness in little things."
Tao Te Ching

Some individuals view having tea as a ritual. They have a special tea pot with matching tea cups and collections of loose leaf teas. A lighted candle ads to the sense of sacred. No matter what time of the day this practice is used, it quiets the mind and rests the soul. There are no intentions for accomplishment and nothing to fail.

Tea time, perhaps, gives us permission to sit and be still. It is a way to experience stillness without having to defend our pause in time. During this slower pace, there is no sense of overwhelm from chaotic agendas. As we gently sit, the simple things attract our attention. In a moment's pause, we may find ourselves thinking, "I've never thought of that before."

Life is so much the same. When we reduce complicated chaos to minor elements, a simple resolution may be patiently waiting. We extrapolate situations by fear, people pleasing, and over load. It is when we quietly sit, sipping tea, we can slowly gain awareness of what is at the core of our anxiety. Answers can be unveiled in the core of simplicity.


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