Sunday, March 3, 2024

You Be You, and I'll Be Me!

You be you, and
I'll be me! 

Time and energy is falsely spent in duplicating the image and behaviors of someone else. There definitely is value in viewing outside of ourselves without the motivation of replacing our authentic identity. We learn through each other, but we must remain specific to our own skills feeding our own purpose in life. 

Life  is more interesting when diversity is present. Differences between people can make us better human beings. When a false image is  projected, it is similar to giving someone a futile erroneous map. When we show our lovely selves, receiving lesser than appreciation, it is notification to seek healthier environments.

To thrive, we must know ourselves, discover diverse resources, and continuously invest is who we are yearning to be. There is no need to prostitute the self for the acceptance, love, or advancement. We do our best when we endeavor to discover people, places, and things that reflect and enhance our unique individuality.

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