Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Redundant Claim

"Settling at last
accounts of the soul;
this for the trash,
that paid in full."
Leonard Cohen

Sifting through sins of the past and sorting out what is over due, one begins to find a healthier balance in his or her life. Finally putting guilt and regret to rest, one can take a fresh breath to mend broken boundaries. Determining what is genuinely important with tasks at hand, we can clear the page with personal discretion. 

Energy becomes crisp and potent when not being distracted by what is no longer important to our well being. Sifting through debris, we reclaim parts of our lovely selves needing to be nurtured and respected. A greater sense of who we are brightens the way, leading us out of the heaviness of wasteful thinking.

Redundant perhaps, the claim of walking in the light, but as we allow the self to be free, the pathways open radiant and alluring. Stay the course while feeling the warmth of hearts felt true, unburdened by self-imposed restrictions. Freedom flows through our existence with new purpose and heightened desire.

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