Monday, March 11, 2024

Loose Threads and Frayed Edges

"The mind is like a richly woven tapestry in which the colors
are distilled from the experiences of the senses, and the 
design drawn from the convolutions of the intellect."
Carson McCullers

Outside resources stimulate and expand our thinking, but our inner sources need to be cultivated as well. Our bodies hold ailments worthy of exploring, while the mind stores complex thoughts and the spirit contributes wisdom to link everything together. Wholeness is available to those who are willing to explore the tapestry of his or her life.

Creativity offers avenues to greater understanding. There is need to express our inner workings in order to see them from a differing perspective. Whether we paint, write, dance or sing, there is a release of our repressed emotions. The connectedness of our parts become apparent providing new perspectives.

When we step outside of ourselves, glancing back, our life presents as a tapestry. The smallest parts and jagged edges smoothly snuggle in for alignment. No longer do we focus on the loose threads or frayed edges. We begin to view our life with appreciation for all things coming together with delightful shades and hues.


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