Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Loving the Self ...

"Valentine's Day simply shines a light on the degree
to which that didn't or hasn't yet materialized ... yet."
Tracy McMillen

The journey towards self-love has become a beneficial passageway for each individual who dares to travel. It isn't decorated with roses or chocolate candies as both would be distractions. Rather, we encounter large boulders and snakes slithering in the shade to say nothing of the shadows trying not to be seen.

Rather than running through the maze of past histories, we slow down noticing who we are right in this moment. To sit by a stream, we catch a glimpse of ourselves being mirrored back to us. We recognize it is time to change as we may not like what we see. As the gentle water flows by us, we yearn to move slowly towards who we want to be.

It is when we love ourselves with an open heart that we are capable of attracting what best meets our needs. If we do not seek the purpose for our life, how in the world can we attract lessons to guide us? Allowing ourselves to be opened with light, we can attract the very things we need. Genuine love fills the heart and we feel prepared to proceed.


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