Friday, February 2, 2024

Just One ...

"It only takes one person to change your life ... you."
Ruth Casey

The biggest barrier blocking your way is your lovely self. Opportunities may arise, and you talk yourself out of participating. Wisdom creeps  in, but you discredit the source. The surroundings are shining brightly, but you choose to look the other way. In grief, we shut our eyes, close our minds, and become stationary.

It is time to create a new pattern. Just for today, allow schedules to be more flexible and routines dotted with change. Just for today, turn down the voice of fear and listen for what is new. Remove the cloudy film from your eyes, and take in the natural beauty just waiting for your eyes. Breathe in clean air and release the stagnant.

Do you sincerely want change? Then be that change. Just for today, be open to embracing life in positive manners. Minimize worries by focusing on the blessings in your life even if they are few in number. Hold an image in your mind of how you want to look, feel, and experience life with joy in your heart. Just for today, begin!


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