Saturday, February 10, 2024

Invitation Declined

"Thanks so much for inviting me, but I can't be there."
Carole Unter

The first time I declined, I sincerely worried about the outcome. Would there be backlash and rejection? Stepping away, am I really headed in the right direction? The fear of leaving what is familiar deepens with every conscious thought. Am I ready to accept responsibility for my actions?

Within me resides an inner critic continuously telling me which way to turn and what needs to be remembered. It keeps me small by narrowing opportunity and limiting recognition. It makes up stories clouding my judgment and confusing me beyond reality. I have firmly declined the invitation to stay small.

Instead, I am dedicating myself to be alive and active, to pursue new situations, and embrace the unknown. No more scrutinizing and complaining, just introducing fresh prospects and putting my lovely self out there. I am sincerely ready to truly be 'me' in every living moment.


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