Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Empowering Light


"There is always light. If only we're brave enough to see it.
If only we're brave enough to be it."
Amanda Gorman

In the midst of chaos, I have the comfort of working with light. When I am handicapped by lack of resources or lengthy distance, I can still make a positive impact projecting positive energy to people, places, and yes, things. Too often, we forget that objects surrounding us hold energy that is reflected back to us.

An unidentifiable inner knowing nudges me to release energy. I have learned to trust these sporadic pokes without questioning my abilities. I act in faith which strengthens connections without claiming any super powers which I do not have. My light is filled with love and compassion without any attached outcomes.

We are all light beings needing to step out of our own shadows. As we unleash our brightness, we become physically stronger, mentally empowered, and spiritually enhanced. Light takes on many forms and never ceases.  Just let it flow from inside and it will find its needed destination.

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