Saturday, December 30, 2023

Trigger Healing


"When you shut down emotion, you're also affecting your immune system,
your nervous system. So the repression of emotions, which is a survival
strategy, then becomes a source of physiological illness later on."
Gabor Mate

Unhappiness and negative feelings can impact your state of health. Irritation is an emotion creating toxins that travel into the physical body. Emotions such as anger can spew toxins into the atmosphere. Poor food choices, unhealthy lifestyles, and irregular sleep patterns, become negative elements.

Intestinal problems, indigestion, and head colds may be a direct result of feeling misunderstood or mistreated. Subtle emotional reactions may be hidden in your cells which seriously weakens the immune system. Feelings of being trapped and constant introspection hamper our health.

If you choose to open yourself by journaling, asking for prayers or seeking professional assistance, the toxins in your system begin to be minimized. Standing in the sunlight or visualizing inner harmony, while connecting and communicating with loved ones, triggers healing.

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