Saturday, December 9, 2023

Essential Choice

"Hold close to your essential self."
Shauna Niequist

Our schedules are riddled with activities under the guise of seeking peace. It is a sacred time of year, yet filled with superficial agendas. This is a season where we truly need to be deliberate with our thoughts, actions, and spiritual communication, as the energy we create within extends back out into our surroundings.

When we become aware of the messages lingering in our hearts, we are more mindful with our behaviors. Acknowledging our unconscious or subconscious projections, helps us to align so that we can present in a meaningful way. Holding ourselves accountable, we can eliminate beliefs that no longer resonate with our soul.

Living deliberately, we gather a greater sense of power, realizing that mindsets and lifestyles can be edited for authenticity. As the physical world reflects back to us, we can choose to take the time to select how we want our time to be invested. With this momentum, we begin to change our world and our contribution to it.  


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