Thursday, November 30, 2023

Bend, Do Not Break

"A bend in the road is not the end of the road ...
Unless you fail to make the turn"
Helen Keller

As change occurs, we must avoid rigidity and thoughts of clinging to what no longer serves our highest desire. Unfortunately, there is comfort in what we know, even if it is toxic. Unnecessary fear builds up resistance, preventing us from the natural flow. There needs to be a willingness to change.

Releasing attachment to what is no longer available, we can apply flexibility to what now surfaces. It is with curiosity, we greet new opportunities and relationships. When in tune with reality, we are able to shift both internally and externally. We can bend with anticipation rather than remaining stuck eliminating the sense of a broken spirit.

Physical exercise stretches our bodies and increases our ability to move fluently. Stretching our minds enhances our capabilities to stretch and grow. Positive outcome does not require physical, mental or spiritual breaking. As we re-engage with a hopeful heart, new beginnings appear and right action prevails. 


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