Thursday, November 2, 2023

A Scream In The Woods

"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice,
and now that I have it, I am not going 
to be silent."
Madeleine Albright

Once again I have allowed my lovely self to feel powerless. In the desire to be accepted, I have silenced myself, hiding all of the beautiful parts I have diligently strived to unearth. The eagerness to please, the extension to share light energy, and the desire to be needed have once again created an identity of victimhood.

When I do not allow myself to stand in my own power, feelings of anxiety erupt. I begin to see life as happening to me rather than creating the life I long to live. I allow others to have power over me which pushes me into a downward spiral. It is then that I run to the woods, to the trees that know me best, and I scream.

As my voice echoes throughout the woods, vibrations are stirred within me. Once again, I become determined to return to being me.  I give myself permission to speak out, disagree, and ask questions burning in my soul. I can feel my power returning and I cannot wait to get back to being fully me!

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