Monday, October 2, 2023

Reiki Energy


"Her image totally shifted in my mind from a
progress-seeking student into a testament
to human resilience."
Reiki Scoop

Prior to giving a Reiki session, I like to listen to a person's history to gain a sense of how his or her energy is flowing. As a personal story is related, I do not focus on the particular situation, but upon the courage and resilience used to advance. As a Reiki Master, I cannot do anything about life circumstances, but I certainly can improve the flow of energy.

Moving from head to toe, negative energy is flushed out and replaced by healthier vibrations. Taking note of the chakras or energy centers, it can be determined where blockages have occurred. Each chakra reflects a particular area of our participation in life. When energy is locked in an area, it causes dis-ease. 

While working with individuals, it is vitally important to not focus on a story line, but to highlight the person's ability to navigate discord or disruptions. As I can reflect a person's worth back to them, they become empowered. The cleansing flow of energy aligns the body, mind, and soul. 

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