Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Reclaim Your Dreams

"Have you disconnected from your heart and soul
in order to stay safe? What is the price you paid
for trying to fulfill other people's dreams?"
Archaeology for the Woman's Soul

At an early age, you may have been told to sit still, to be seen, but not heard. There may have been clear indications that very little of value came from a child. Stop your crying! Silence your feelings! Simply put, don't be you. For many, repercussions from this out dated parenting mode continues to minimize full potential. 

Step back and consider how these early experiences created a crimp upon emotional expansion. It is hard for you to breathe in life while you are holding breath in fear of judgment and shame. It is time to unleash repressed desires and impulses that are waiting just beneath the surface.

Reclaim your power and your dreams. Begin to create and expand visions of the life you have always been meant to live. Disregarding caution uttered by others, you can advance into empowerment. With new eyes, view what is in your best interest and decide where you can best meet your personal rewards. You are being called to move forward, now.

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