Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Churning Waters

"Shifting from resistance to acceptance allows
you to move into a different energetic approach 
from where you are to where you want to be."
Shelley Young

When water is churned, there are waves, and when the water is calm, there is a flow. The same is true of our emotional makeup. As soon as we feel a disruption, resistance can be felt as it stiffens our bodies and freezes our brain. We get trapped in repetitive behavior that will not be productive and lead to dead ends.

Replacing resistance with acceptance, we can use our energy to overcome whatever obstacles that are blocking our way. Without immediately reacting, we can explore options that will escort us in the direction we are wanting to go. Give consideration to choices that will expand and create circumstances that align with your soul.

It is when we give ourselves permission to simply not know which direction to explore, we can figuratively pass the baton to the Divine. We can utilize our faith by believing goodness will come if we trust in the unfolding of circumstances. As we gather additional information, we can break through churning waters, landing back into the flow.

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