Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Begin to Question

"Declaring my core desired feelings
uplifted my relationships and the
way I work in the world."
Gabrielle Bernstein

We can be surrounded by people and still experience feelings of isolation. As we gaze into the faces, there may not be a sense of connection whether we wonder who this person is or if they have a sense of who we are. We can begin to question if this circle of people is stimulating us, understanding us, and bringing any sense of personal growth into the equation.

It may be time to check in with our inner sense of belonging. Maybe what we envisioned as our heart's desire is no longer accurate, and attracting what we no longer find pleasure in. It is healthy to step away from those who have been friends in search for new relationships that will align with our new sense of passion and navigation.

When we stop waiting for others to fulfill our empty spaces, and execute the initiative for our inner self, the world around us begins to shift. With new direction, numerous opportunities and synchronicities come into our view. Life becomes exciting again and our rekindled passion ripples out into whatever surrounds us. When we hold ourselves accountable, we generate authentic means to survive. 


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