Sunday, October 29, 2023

Art Of Stretching

"We stretch when we step out of our comfort zone 
of opinions and beliefs."
Mitch Davidowitz 

Our sense of balance may be interrupted when we are entering new territory which is necessary for our growth.  Remaining in alignment, we are perfectly able to stretch without impending doom. There is more to be gained with movement than remaining perfectly still. Even though our stretch may be temporary, benefits abound.

As we stretch our body, mind, and spirit, we enter fertile ground if we can set our preconceived ideas aside. When we loosen our stance, releasing poses of rigidity, life enters in unsuspecting ways. With an open heart, there is fresh consideration for diversity which can lead to broader perspectives.

As we stretch, we have the opportunity to reenforce our belief system and to enhance it. New information can minimize our shame and blame, leaving open spaces for deeper understanding of the life we long to live. When we cease to be threatened by what we do not know, we open to a greater sense of self.


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