Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Wisdom Sighs

"The mind of a creative writer is molded by his/her collective 
unconsciousness and able to tap deep emotional sources."
Carl Jung

Throughout my  life, writing has been an emotional outlet. Whether spontaneous jotting or prolonged structuring, years  have been spent with pen in hand. I have told myself numerous stories about not being able to write other than of an early morn or not being able to convey deep emotions while typing on a computer. Roadblocks can be very effective.

Out of nowhere, a creative prompt arrives and if I get out of my own way, the pen simply glides. With ego sitting over there upon a chair, inner beauty flows reflecting insights, and realizations that otherwise might be ignored. Breathing into passage ways, truths of my unconscious appear. 

Lofty words manage to caress me while memories of harsh judgments fade away. No longer am I a limited human, but rather a free spirit expressing emotions in a fanciful way. My mind bursts with imagery, traveling in realms of unlimited space, while wisdom sighs with bliss as my hand hits the page.


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