Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Silence, Not Secrecy


"Lately, I've been learning to choose silence."

My world is usually filled with treasured friends expressing his or her most inner secrets. I hold them close, offering a safe space where normally avoided subject matter can be shared. There is no pressure about finding correct responses, as all anyone ever really needs is a sounding board.

Most recently, unexpected joy began to flow into my solitary life. I would have thought I'd be shouting this news from the rooftop, but instead, I have been harboring it inside. I am basking in the beauty of this unanticipated gift, and somehow, the need for sheltering it is priority Just for now, my desire is to wallow in this sense of being seen..  

In silence, I will not allow worry and fear to diminish what is presenting before me. I am beginning to believe this unfolding in my life is quite intentional. It is an opportunity to release all of the love, light and prayer that has been trapped within me. Choosing to finally feel worthy, my heart swells as I know Spirit has had a hand in this.

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