Saturday, September 16, 2023

Permission Granted!

"Today, I give myself permission to ..."
Corina Luna Dea

Just for today, what action can you take to enhance the quality of your life? What investment of time will create a space for a gust of pleasure and excitement? To do either, you must know your desire and be able to assess what brings you joy. You cannot obtain fulfillment when you do  not know what it looks like.

You can creatively make additions to your life that do not require new clothing, vacations, or life commitments. Keep it simple, avoiding all thoughts of not having time for yourself. You create space instantly for others, and if you do not refresh your own reservoirs, you will run dry and despondent.

So what's it going to be? Maybe a quick ice cream run. Time out with yoga?  Listen to your favorite play list and dance your heart out? Even if you just take five minutes to sit on the porch to appreciate solitude, peace will prevail. Alignment doesn't just happen. You must make choices to strengthen the soul.


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