Monday, September 4, 2023

Life's Jungles


"From life's jungles the fiercest lions, the scariest tigers,
and grizzliest bears, turn out to be the noblest teachers,
the bravest guides, and the dearest friends."
The Universe 

A jungle can be filled with melodious sounds from singing birds, swaying branches, or the gentle lapping of water. As we carefully place our feet, avoiding the unexpected roots of trees, we may hear rustling in the bushes. We have choice to either be curious or afraid. How will we interpret life as it surrounds us?

There may be a snake in the grass or an unexpected boulder blocking our way. There is choice as to how we will navigate our path. Simple awareness may all that is required to continue our momentum. Even when we find ourselves out of breath, there is choice to to retreat or rest and proceed.

Life can be similar to a jungle offering challenges, pushing us to stretch our boundaries. With maintained confidence, we can evaluate when we are safe and when we are in need of outside resources. This journey into the jungle is a learning experience where we can befriend the creatures we at first don't see. 

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