Friday, September 8, 2023

Internal Communication

"How can we break free from the veil of ignorance and embark
on a path of introspection, recognizing areas that require
healing and improvement?"
Reiki Scoop

Shared conversations can bring awareness to hidden feelings. Discussions can broaden our understanding of personal avoidance. Testimonies of trusted friends can encourage us to face dilemmas with a new sense of courage.There are numerous techniques available that are user friendly and without cost.

During stressful times, we look out into the external world for solution. Remedies might appear becoming a temporary bandaid, and neglecting to correct the situation.  While outside help is advantageous, there is a needed step of self-assessment. The better we understand our feelings and triggers, resolution becomes individualized.

Releasing external validation, we can turn to internal spiritual and emotional practices. Effective techniques include: Reiki, Qi Gong, Yoga, Dowsing, Meditation, Journaling, and Spirit Guides. As we quiet the self and develop inner communication, we become the needed source to navigate our healing and improvement. 

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