Saturday, September 23, 2023

Fall Equinox

"The word 'equinox' simply means 'of equal length' and refers to the
twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness at this point in the year."
Carole Carlton

We are entering a segment of time frequently referred to as the Moon Season. We spend more time in darkness and the moon can be seen for longer periods of time. We are leaving the extroverted summer and entering the introverted period for solitude, reflection, rest and intimate connections.

This is a period where we can assess what we had planted, grown, and harvested for the self as well as for others. It is a time for gratitude and thanksgiving celebrated with apples, pumpkins and the magnificent showing of autumn's creative flair. Brisk walks in the cooler weather offers space for evaluation and new focus.

As we turn inward to our body, mind, and heart, there is reason to slow down ...  to listen for messages. Is the body suggesting a different pace? Is the mind needing clarity? Perhaps our heart needs healing. Embrace the magic that autumn brings, blending it with fresh perspectives of what this season brings.

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