Friday, August 18, 2023

Pathways to Higher Frequencies

"So what do you wish to create, via your thoughts, 
words spoken and actions?"
Amanda Lorence

We become stimulated when creative thoughts lead us to introspection about our life experience. If we find ourselves to be bored with activities or bound in stagnant relationships, avoid the mindset of victim, and push forward into change. Life offers numerous options, so it may be time to discover new pathways, leading to self-fulfillment.

When we stop reacting and start to observe with a willingness to change, shifts can occur.  While exposing the self to diversity, we can have a greater awareness of what deeply attracts our creative spirit. We can explore passages leading to personal concepts of beauty. We then establish a greater sense of harmony.

With new vision, we can begin to align our body, mind, and spirit. Our actions feel constructive and contribute to the greater good. The peace we foster within ripples out into the collective. As we view ourselves as authentic and significant parts of the whole, we replace lower emotions with vibrant frequencies lifting the soul.


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