Thursday, August 10, 2023

Limitations Decrease

"The religion of the future will be in cosmic religion.
It will transcend a personal God and avoid 
dogma and theology." (1931)
Albert Einstein 

Albert Einstein did not believe in a God who rewards or punishes human beings. He believed highly achieved individuals operated from a level of spiritual awareness. Musicians and artists, as well as scientists and inventors, he believed, experienced an unusual sensitivity to mystery.  

Albert Einstein believed that everything was energy, capable of changing from one form to another. He believed reality matched energy fields which we create through our thoughts, and actions. Acknowledging the energetic connection between all things, opening to the unseen, and witnessing beauty, elevates our earthly experience.

When human perception blends with spiritual awareness, there is a potential union with all things. With increased energies, positive intentions attract opportunities to help fulfill visions and dreams, personally and collectively. Limitations decrease and there is new found freedom to be an instrument of peace. 


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