Sunday, August 27, 2023

Beauty and Love Intertwined

"Since love grows within you, so beauty grows.
For love is the beauty of the soul."
St. Augustine

Our culture, fortunately, is moving away from beauty being defined by physical attributes Artists have long established a reverence for loveliness found in the eyes of the beholder. Whether painting with a brush or jotting down words, loveliness is reflected in highly creative ways. With new eyes, attraction can be defined in numerous ways. 

As we begin to see the beauty in all things, we also recognize and respect the same within our selves. The elegance inside is laced with love, triggering our inner light to shine brightly. When we all choose to do this, our level of seeing  heightens, creating a sense of connection, acceptance, and awakening.

Beauty and love are intertwined and resonate within the soul. As we slow down, noticing elements of beauty, love stirs within our hearts. While these feelings of appreciation increase, our own sense of worth develops. We are bathed in the elegance found in all living souls as well as hearts found in nature.


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