Thursday, July 6, 2023

Soul's Silent Calling

"Perhaps there is a soul hidden in everything an it can
always speak, without even making a sound to another soul."
Frances Hodgson Burnett

It is difficult to imagine life without a vibrant imagination. As a child we are fascinated by fire flies and imaginary friends. As an adult, we begin to question the source behind magic and remember loved ones appearing in our dreams. We grow older yet, wondering about the unspoken words we hear or the destination beyond death.

With awareness, we start noticing a greater depth to what has always appeared before us, and deeper symbolism embedded in nature, art, and unsolicited day dreams. What was once experienced as isolated incidents, now reflect a gentle pattern that carved us into a certain way. How is it we can sense a spirit in the wind, or in the sound of a wave?

Even as a speculation that all things matter, does it not increase the necessity of treating everything with respect and honor? And if all things have intent and purpose, will our carelessness squash a greater plan? Bit by bit are we aborting small efforts bent towards beauty and peace? Soul is a silent calling we really can hear.

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