Friday, July 21, 2023


"Reciprocity is the practice of exchanging
high consciousness energy with other 
humans as well as elements."
Peggy Black

Heightened spiritual awareness is not to be saved for meditative practices. What we gather from higher consciousness, ideally, is brought back into ordinary waking hours. Whether we are cooking, bathing, or creating, we can scan what is before us with the same powerful light we experience in sacred moments.

If we are out in nature, our inner energy stirs as we admire the peaceful setting.  However, we can also project our higher consciousness into the surroundings as a gesture of gratitude. When we are in conversation with someone, why not bathe them with loving kindness? Simply let light flow from our eyes.

Rather than allowing ego to fill our thoughts with judgment and criticism, we can focus a heightened sense of energy surrounding us. Instead of formulating defensive projections, we can open our hearts to what is being said or occurring as neither right nor wrong. The higher consciousness elevates the human experience to be experienced as sacred.


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