Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Sting!

"Often those that criticize others 
reveal what he himself lacks."
Shannon L. Alder

When you feel the sting of someone's careless remark, you have the choice to discard it entirely or to cling to it throughout your day. Your chosen reaction will impact your mood with either negative or positive contribution.

As soon as you hear your heart say, ouch, ask if the situation is true. If it is and you have just been busted, then own up to it and change. Is it partially true? If so, you can make a mindful adjustment. It there is no element of truth, then you can flush immediately!

Your words or actions may have been taken out of context. Even then, you have no obligation to discuss what you choose to keep private. Erma Bombeck says, "What other people think of me is none of my business." 


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