Wednesday, June 7, 2023


"What truly matters is how we invite someone into the home of our 
heart. Are they free to be transparent? Can they share the secrets 
of their soul without shame? Can we listen deeply 
without the rush of advice or judgement?"
Mitch Davidowitz

Water gently holds us up, offering support without push or pull. Floating elevates us from what lies beneath, and suspends us from pending concerns. As a  heart felt friend, we extend exactly the same ... comfort, nurturing, and sheltered space.

Leaning into a spiritual nature, we offer others a safe area for truths to be told without judgment or shame. Throughout the exchange, there is no worry about responses or resolutions, as our purpose is to simply be present.

Like water, we can be a gentle wave of tenderness offering stillness to wash away fear and doubt. One gains clarity and moves closer the best appropriate action. Allowing our loved one a strong sense of connection is healing in itself. 


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