Thursday, June 22, 2023

Sarcastic Slaps!


"The healed version of me recognizes and honors
the unhealed version of you."
Alex Elle 

We may offer tender hearted words, but get sarcastic slaps in return.  As we place our best steps forward, we may get stomped upon. We then spiral fiercely, examining what "we" did wrong.  How in the world were our best intentions misunderstood?

If we can remain mindful of our personal truth, it becomes easier to distinguish what we should or should not own. When we recognize a person is choosing to react out of his or her own issues, we can choose to gently be present without engaging.

Inner peace becomes more substantial as we learn to stand in our own truth. We become grateful for increased personal healing which continuously unfolds. Our perception of life softens and our energies are no longer drained by unnecessary negativity.

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